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Transfer Degrees

Transfer degrees serve as pathways to bachelor's degrees.

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By aligning degree requirements through special partnerships called “articulation agreements”, PA TRAC colleges make it possible for associate degree students to transfer as juniors into bachelor's degrees.

Remember! PA TRAC does not replace the valuable support and guidance you will receive from a transfer counselor. Contact an advisor at your current college or your transfer institution to discuss your specific transfer options and to understand how PA TRAC can benefit you.


Statewide Program-to-Program (P2P) Articulation

Statewide P2P Articulation allows students who graduate with specific associate degrees to transfer as juniors into a bachelor’s degrees in similar fields of study at PA TRAC colleges.
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Search All Transfer Agreements

In addition to statewide P2P agreements, PA TRAC colleges have many other transfer agreements with colleges in and out of the statewide transfer system. Use the Search for Transfer Agreements to find agreements that may benefit you.
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