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Transfer Courses

Do your courses transfer to a PA TRAC college?

PA TRAC colleges accept a variety of courses from other institutions. Some courses, like those found in the 30-Credit Transfer Framework, count toward any degree program. Other courses transfer toward a specific major or as electives.

Use the information below to select future courses or to learn how previous coursework may transfer to the PA TRAC college you plan to attend.

Remember! PA TRAC does not replace the valuable support and guidance you will receive from a transfer counselor. Contact an advisor at your current college or your transfer institution to discuss your specific transfer options and to understand how PA TRAC can benefit you.

30-Credit Transfer Framework

The 30-Credit Transfer Framework allows you to transfer up to 30 credits of foundation courses to any of the participating PA TRAC colleges and have those courses count toward graduation.
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How Courses Transfer

Use the Search for Course Equivalencies to find out how courses you’ve already taken (or plan to take) transfer to the participating PA TRAC colleges.
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Create a PA TRAC Account

Having a PA TRAC Student Account allows you to compile your course history in one location, compare transfer credit for several PA TRAC colleges, and track your transfer progress.
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figure with a graduation cap and map