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Veterans & Service Members

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The Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Center and its participating colleges support our heroes and understand that the educational needs of veterans can be unique.

Use the resources below to help get the degree that you deserve.

Apply for GI Bill Benefits.

Your first step is finding out what education benefits you are eligible to receive. You can do this by going to the GI Bill Website or by getting a benefits application from the Veterans Affairs (VA) Certifying Official at the school you plan to attend.

You also should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA serves as the application for most federal and college-based financial aid, such as grants, loans and work-study funds, as well as the Pennsylvania State Grant.

Pennsylvania veterans and students who join the Pennsylvania National Guard receive special consideration for the State Grant and other financial aid programs offered by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.

Choose a School or Program.

You must attend a school and program approved for VA benefits in order to use your GI Bill. Use the Search for VA-Approved Education and Job Training Programs to find approved schools and programs by location and type.

Selecting a school will be easier if you know what you want to do professionally and the type of education you’ll need to attain that goal. Factors to Consider When Choosing a School: A guide before using the GI Bill (Second Edition) can assist you with this process.

Contact a VA Certifying Official.

All approved schools and programs have a VA Certifying Official who can assist students with the benefits process and exploring their educational options.

To find the VA Certifying Official at your school, go to the federal WEAMS Institution Search or visit the school website.

Get Credit Where Credit Is Due.

As a veteran or service member, you may be able to receive college credit for training, coursework or occupational specialty earned in the military, thus shortening the amount of time it will take to complete a degree.

Consider discussing these credit options with your college advisor:

Additional Resources