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Statewide P2P Database FAQ

Statewide P2P Articulation Database

Frequently Asked Questions
Q:  What is expected from the participating institutions by the August 1st deadline?

A:   By August 1, all participating institutions are expected to identify in the Statewide P2P Database their articulated

       Associate degrees and parallel Bachelor degrees that align with the approved agreements effective Fall 2012. 

       Institutions may identify degree programs aligned with agreements effective Fall 2013,but that is not required.

       TAOC has yet to determine a deadline for entering degree information related to the Fall 2013 agreements.


Q:   Our AA in Psychology is a relatively new program and is not included in the list of options in the “Degree

       Name” field.  How can I add the program to the list?

A:    You have two options:

1.  Manually enter the degree program in the P2P database by clicking on the “Add Degree” button located on the “Add or Edit Statewide Program Agreements” window.  See the Statewide P2P Database User Guide for step-by-step instructions and screen shots.

2.  Update all of the institution’s degree programs in the Program Search Database using the Program Upload user privilege and wizard.  Once the Program Search Database is updated, the “Degree Name” menu in the P2P database will also be updated. Contact AcademyOne at or 484-318-7100 for assistance.

Q:  Our college is modifying an associate degree to meet the requirements of a P2P agreement, but the program

      won’t be approved until the end of the fall 2012 term. When should we enter the degree program in the

      Statewide P2P Database?

A:   The institution should wait to enter information in the Statewide P2P Database until the degree program is

      approved by the institution and students are permitted to enroll in it.


Q:   Our institution modified its associate degree in Education/PK-4 to bring it in alignment with the Statewide P2P

       Agreement in PK-4 Education.  Do we need to change the CIP code of the program as well or can it remain the


A:    Statewide P2P does not require institutions to change CIP codes.  However, CIP codes should be assigned

       based upon the content of the degree program and the definitions of the CIP codes published by the U.S.

       Department of Education.