3.00 Credits
This course examines a variety of forms of writing in criminal justice education and the criminal justice profession. Students will receive instruction, guidance, and practical experience in composing several types of written reports that might be required in the numerous occupations that fall within the discipline of criminal justice. Starting with a review of English grammar, students will learn to compose professional emails, cover letters, and resumes. They will progress to police reports, probation violation reports, pre-sentence investigation reports, and finally, research-based reports. Students will also receive instruction on essay and research report writing and the use of APA formatting. Emphasis will be on improving writing skills throughout the semester through extensive feedback from the instructor and opportunities to revise and resubmit written work.
CRJ 306 requires prerequisites of CRJ 110, CRJ 210, and any 200-level WRT course, all with grades of C or better.