3.00 Credits
A study of the agencies, processes and people involved in the criminal justice administration. Legislatures, law enforcement, prosecutor and defense counsel, courts, corrections and private security are studied with respect to function, role and the problems of justice administration in a democratic society, with emphasis on intercomponent relations, checks and balances, and discretionary powers.Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: Describe how the criminal law changes to help achieve the social order in our society. Evaluate the historical contributions to our present Anglo-American system of justice. Evaluate the various theories that have been proposed relative to crime as a social phenomenon. Identify, explain and evaluate the current process of each element of the criminal justice system in terms of their stated goals: crime prevention, arrest, prosecution and rehabilitation of the offender. Evaluate the historical contributions of Great Britain to our present American system of law enforcement and describe its major impact on the role, function, authority and mission of the US Criminal Justice System.
Prerequisite: Successful Placement Test Scores or (ENG 050 and REA 050) or ENG 099* or REA 075 (*may be taken concurrently).