3.00 Credits
This is a sustained examination of and practice with college-level writing. Students will generally take ENG 023 in their first year of college. The course focuses on the writing process and provides sustained practice in critical thinking, reading, and writing demanded by academic, public, and professional writing. Students gain experience in writing in a variety of genres which may include, but are not limited to, proposals, reviews, personal narratives, digital texts, rhetorical analyses, persuasive essays, reports, and critical analysis essays. Readings are assigned to provoke discussions, provide opportunities for the analysis and synthesis of arguments, and finally to generate essay topics. Particular attention is paid to research processes and the conventions of including research in texts. In addition, the mechanics of good writing, which may include diction, grammar, syntax, usage, and structure are addressed as part of the process of writing; however, the focus of this course is not grammar instruction. ENG 023 (or ENG 025) is a General Education requirement for all students in all majors. In addition, ENG 023 is a prerequisite for all upper-division English department courses.