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"Take Your Credits With You" Toolkit

As a service to the participating institutions and the students who transfer among them, PDE has created a toolkit to promote the transfer website and to educate students, faculty, and staff about PA TRAC, the Transfer Credit Framework, and the participating colleges and universities.

Since both 2-year and 4-year institutions participate, the toolkit includes a variety of marketing materials, with common elements, to meet everyone’s needs.

Electronic versions of the toolkit in various file formats may be downloaded and reproduced as needed without permission from PDE.

Palm Card
Online Banner Ad
Transfer Credit Framework

Information on approved usage and reproduction of the toolkit materials can be found in the Style Guide.

The poster is designed for display in public areas. Consider placing the posters in following locations:
  • Admissions Office
  • Financial Aid Office
  • Transfer Office
  • Student Advising Center
  • Student Union and Student Lounges
  • Cafeteria
  • Library
  • Computer Labs
  • Counseling Center
  • High School Guidance Offices

Poster Printing Specs:
  • Size: 11” x 17”
  • Color: 4-Color -No Spot Colors or Black and White
  • Paper: Light Cover Stock (Matte Coated)
Downloadable Files

The brochure is an educational piece developed to provide students, faculty and staff with general information about the statewide articulation initiative and to encourage students to visit the website.

Consider using the brochures in the following manner:

  • Display in the Admissions Office, Financial Aid Office, Transfer Office, Student Advising Centers
  • Mail to students along with other transfer information related to your institution
  • Distribute to advising appointments, open houses and information sessions
  • Distribute at college fairs
  • Give brochures to high school guidance counselors and teachers during high school visits
  • Give to faculty at faculty orientation and meetings
  • Give to college staff and administrators as a way of educating them about the transfer initiative

Brochure Printing Specs:

  • Size: 8 ½” x 11”
  • Fold:  3-panel tri-fold
  • Print 2-sided
  • Color: 4-Color - No Spot Colors
  • Paper: Base Text Stock (Matte Coated)
  • Paper Color: White

Downloadable Files

The flyer is designed for portability and may be easily displayed on tabletops and in display stands. It encourages people to visit the website to learn how they can take their credits with them when they transfer.

Consider using the flyers in the following manner:

  • On display in an Admissions Office, Financial Aid Office, Transfer Office, Student Advising Center and Counseling Center at your college or university
  • Mail to students along with other information explaining transfer policies for your institution
  • Distribute to students at advising appointments, open houses and information sessions
  • Distribute at high school college fairs and transfer college fairs

Flyer Printing Specs:

  • Size: 8.5” x 11”
  • Print one-sided
  • Color: 4-Color -No Spot Colors or Black and White
  • Paper: Base Text Stock (Matte Coated)
  • Paper Color: White

Downloadable Files

Palm Card
A palm card is a two-sided advertisement designed as a quick reference to the web address.
The card is the same size as a business card so that it’s convenient for students to take and place in a purse, wallet or backpack.

Consider distributing the palm cards at the following events or locations:

  • Advising appointments and special events
  • High school college fairs and transfer college fairs
  • Admissions Office, Financial Aid Office, Transfer Office, Student Advising Center and Counseling Center at your college or university
  • Student orientation and registration
  • Open houses and information sessions
  • Faculty and staff meetings
Palm Card Printing Specs:
  • Size: 2” x 3.5”
  • Print 2-sided
  • Color: 4-Color -No Spot Colors
  • Paper: Heavy Cover Stock (Matte)
  • Paper Color: White

Downloadable Files

The cling is a static decal that can be placed on any smooth, nonporous surface. Easily removable, the cling can be placed in just about any location frequented by transfer students.

Consider displaying the clings in the following locations:

  • On computers, monitors or desktop in college computer labs, advising centers, registration offices, etc.
  • On computers and monitors of advisors and faculty
  • On the windows and doors of the Admissions Office, Financial Aid Office, Transfer Center, and the like

Encourage faculty, staff and administrators to display the cling on office windows and in other central locations as a reminder of the transfer system and website and to show that your institution participates in the initiative.

Cling Printing Specs:

  • Size: 2” x 3”
  • Print one-sided
  • Color: 4-Color  -No Spot Colors
  • Material: Static vinyl with static on back
  • Material Color: Clear
  • The image shows the background as gray. When reproducing the cling, make sure to remove the gray so that the background is clear and only the images and related text are visible.

Downloadable Files

Advertisements (Print or Electronic)
The toolkit includes three advertisements in varying sizes that can be used in print or electronic form. The ads are designed as a public relations tool to encourage people to visit the transfer website and to learn more about college transfer in Pennsylvania.

  • Flash Drive Ad w/ Slogan and Web Address – Square
  • Flash Drive Ad w/ Slogan and Web Address – Vertical
  • Flash Drive Ad w/ Slogan and Web Address – Horizontal

Downloadable Files

Online Banner Ad
The online banner ad is similar in design to the ads above but dynamic.

Available in various sizes, if you would like to add a banner ad to your website, contact the Pennsylania Department of Education at 717-787-4313.

Institutions are encouraged to incorporate images into their own transfer marketing pieces and to develop additional communications that help educate people about the system and drive people to the website.

Prior approval from PDE to use these images is not required. However, please be aware that like the PA TRAC logo, the promotional images are considered part of the transfer system branding initiative and should not be altered in any way.

Available Images
  • Backpack - Color
  • Backpack – Black and White
  • Flash Drive – Color
  • Flash Drive – Black and White

Downloadable Files

Transfer Credit Framework
The Transfer Credit Framework is the foundation of the Commonwealth’s transfer and articulation system. The Framework is where students find lists of courses that the participating institutions have agreed to accept from one another. It is imperative that when referring to the system you explain how the Framework works and where students and advisors can go to find exact course titles and their transfer equivalencies at any of the participating colleges and universities.

The following are key messages that must be included in communications about PA TRAC and the Transfer Credit Framework. Use these statements whenever referencing the Framework to provide a clear, consistent message.

Certain majors have specific requirements prescribed by external agencies. It is the student’s responsibility to work with an advisor to select appropriate courses as they relate to the major.

The Transfer Credit Framework affects students matriculated Fall 2008 and beyond.

Students should work closely with an advisor before selecting Framework courses and any additional coursework not included in the Framework categories.

For a list of Framework courses, visit

It is recommended that you add these statements to your college catalog and course registration materials in print and electronic form. Also, consider adding information about the Framework to your website and other marketing materials targeting this population of students.

Downloadable File

The logo for the Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Center, the name given to Pennsylvania’s statewide transfer and articulation system, is as follows:

This logo is part of the transfer initiative branding efforts and should not be altered in any way.

  • Always use the version supplied by PDE rather than recreating the logo.
  • The logo may be used as a hyperlink to the website.
  • The logo may be added to institutional communication pieces (printed or electronic) as long as it is used in its entirety and not altered in any way.
  • The logo is blue and green, but may be printed in black and white.

Downloadable File