3.00 Credits
For many years, the criminal justice system has been faulted for overlooking the needs of the crime victims. Only recently, has the focus changed from perpetrator to victim. This course will serve as an introduction to the study of victimology. The course is divided into two components. First, crime victims and their interactions with the criminal justice system, society and the media will be examined. The con173cept of victim precipitation will also be addressed. Special needs victims (i.e., victims of date rape, child abuse, and domestic violence), restitution, civil remedies available to victims, and vigilantism will also be covered. The second half of the course examines "victimless crimes" or "crimes without complainants." Issues such as morality, the notion of harm, and their relationship to the criminal law will be addressed. Specific areas to be covered include prostitution, drugs, homosexuality, and abortion.