3.00 Credits
A survey of the evolution of music in the United States from the period of colonization to the present. Themes include European classical influences on the cultural melting pot, and the genre, form and style of concert, folk, pop, jazz and commercial music.Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: Identify the evolutionary phases of American music as influenced by other cultures and as developed from the 17th century to the present. Relate the various techniques and styles of American music to the multifaceted characteristics of the social, religious, political, scientific and cultural aspirations of a particular time and a specific American population. Discriminate among five main evolutionary stages, and identify contributors of each stage. Recognize the difference among genre, form and style and use each music characteristic in identifying 10 major composers. Interrelate all past considerations in the evolution and forecasting of current trends of American music and interpret their relationships to the contemporary cultural/social environment.
Prerequisite: Successful Placement Test Scores or (ENG 050 and REA 050) or ENG 099* or REA 075 (*may be taken concurrently).