3.00 Credits
This course will give the student a broad background in Marine Resources including biological, transportation, oil and gas, methane hydrates, minerals and freshwater, recreation, endangered species, energy and waste disposal. The course will also give an overview on National and International Law Applied to the marine environment. Topics on Marine policies including marine environmental policy, International fisheries policy, Marine transportation and safety policy, etc. will be discussed and related to geographical, socio-economic and political issues affecting Marine Resources, Sustainability and Marine Conservation. News clips, articles in journals, case studies of issues relevant to the topics above will be discussed in an open, free and debate like atmosphere that is designed to develop students critical thinking skills in a deliberate and structured way.
COMM 100 or 100H, ENGL 110 or 110H, junior standing and any 200-level course in ESCI, BIOL or GEOG.