3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the 21st century role of the principal as instructional leader, and exposes course participants to school leadership, the building principal/school administrator/ instructional leader, related to the manifold tasks incorporated in carrying-out the role and scope of instructional supervision combined with professional development as integral to effective pedagogical practice. Dependent upon the situation, this course addresses the various behaviors exhibited by the supervisor in performing the many challenges of the position. Additionally it recognizes the following: facilitating change, diversity, changing demographics, and the role of the instructional leader in the development of a professional learning community in order to produce a positive impact on student achievement. Furthermore, the following topics will be explored: the theory of practice of developmental supervision, assessing and planning skills, observing skills, and research and evaluation skills, as well as the role / responsibilities of the school leader related to life-long learning as the basis for continual growth for self and others. The course begins by exploring the historical background of supervision in the schools of the past, and how it can become a standards-based system of today. It addresses the environmental setting of schools and teachers of the past and what they can become with a new paradigm of supervision. The importance of dialogue amongst all of the stake-holders and the strength of professional development and empowerment supported by research is emphasized within the context of the consistent demonstration of professionalism that is embodied by equal respect for all stakeholders. The student learns to better appreciate and understand the importance of data-driven decision making in regards to the following: establishing targets, clarifying learning results, curriculum and instruction, and to increase student achievement. Course participants will be required to do a minimum of 36 hours in a school-based FIELD EXPERIENCE that will provide opportunities for reflection on practice juxtaposed with theoretical constructs. This course of study is embedded in the Framework and Guidelines for Principal Preparation Programs, i.e., PILS- Pennsylvania Instructional Leadership Standards. Pre-Requisite : None (Formerly: XEL607- Principalship II - 3 crd hours & XEL625 - Supervision of Instruction in Ed Leadership - 3 crd hours)