0.40 Credits
Teaches students basic firearms safety, how to load and unload a pistol or revolver, properly clear the weapon, different types of handguns, different types of ammunition and how they operate. Students are taught the seven fundamentals of shooting culminating with live fire on our state of the art indoor range. This course is specifically designed for the female shooter and is taught by a female certified firearms and defensive tactics instructor. ALL STUDENTS need proper hearing and eye protection (can be provided to the student), and a baseball style hat (student must bring their own). Prerequisite: must be at least 21-years old to enroll in this training. Students who bring their own handgun and ammunition must possess a handgun less than .50 cal AND bring 50 rounds of commercially manufactured ammunition??NO RELOADED ammunition allowed, and a basic cleaning kit for their handgun. NOTE: Instructors make a safety examination of the student???s handgun (and other items), and have the sole discretion to deny any of its use. HACC handgun & ammunition rental: Students may be provided one of our 9 mm Glock 17 Gen 5 ??? range pistols and sufficient ammunition to complete the course successfully (up to 50 rounds). A basic cleaning kit will be provided for use. HACC ammunition rental: Students may be provided with sufficient ammunition to complete the course successfully (up to 50 rounds). The ammunition available is: 38 spl, 9 mm, .380 acp, .40 cal and .45 acp. MUST BE AT LEAST 21 YEARS OLD TO REGISTER